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          I’m not sure that I’ll ever come close to understanding the world around me, but at least writing allows me the chance to try.  For my Writing Minor Capstone project, I have created a collection of creative non-fiction pieces focused around understanding my family, and the role that they have played in my development -- whether aware of it or not.  The images shown all come from family albums and represent moments in my development which have proved to be especially salient to my growth into the woman I am today.


          Like any family, my lineage is complex and personal, and has shaped the ways in which I view the world through my socializations from childhood until now.  I have  realized how little I knew as a child, and found myself questioning which experiences have lead me to the beliefs that I hold now.  My reflections on these experiences have caused me to think about moments of clarity -- points in time where I began to understand that the world looks much different to an eight year old than a college graduate.  It’s these crucial occasions that I wanted to explore with the culmination of my Minor in Writing.  


          To follow me on this journey towards understanding my family and myself, begin  clicking on the pictures found in the Capstone Project menu.  Thank you for taking the time to explore my project!

About the Project

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